Double Glazing vs. Laminated Glass

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16 Jun, 2022

When embarking on a project that involves the use of glass, two commonly favored choices are double glazing and laminated glass. Each presents distinct advantages and is suited for different outcomes, depending on specific requirements. Therefore, the question arises: How do you determine which option is most suitable for your project? To arrive at an informed decision, let’s delve deeper into the distinctions between double glazing and laminated glass. This exploration will aid you in identifying the optimal choice for your particular needs.

IGU or Double Glazed Glass

Double glazed units (IGUs) are comprised of two panes of glass bonded together by a spacer, separated by an air or gas-filled space between them. This type of unit offers excellent heat reduction, as well as sound reduction. IGUs are particularly effective when used in windows and doors, as they provide an additional layer of insulation from the elements. Additionally, they can help reduce energy costs by keeping warm air inside during winter months and cooler air inside during summer months.

Double Glazed Glass

Laminated Glass

Laminated glass is created through the process of bonding two or more glass sheets together with an interlayer made of plastic-based material positioned between them.

Laminate Glass

This type of glass helps protect carpets, curtains, and furniture from fading due to UV light exposure since it blocks out 99% of UV light rays. It is also effective in reducing noise levels in both residential and commercial buildings as it absorbs sound waves instead of reflecting them back into the environment. Additionally, laminated glass provides safety benefits should it break since it will remain intact in its frame without causing injury or damage to any surrounding surfaces or objects.

So which one is right for me?

When deciding between double glazed units (IGUs) and laminated glass for your project, there are several factors to consider such as insulation needs, noise reduction requirements, safety concerns, aesthetics preferences and cost considerations among others. Ultimately the choice should be based on what will best suit your specific needs and requirements so be sure to weigh all factors carefully before making a decision that’s right for you! With careful consideration you can make an informed decision about which type of glass product is best suited for your project.